12+ Best Loan Apps that Give Higher Amount in Nigeria 2024

Are you constantly finding yourself limited by loan apps that only offer small amounts of money?

If you’re seeking loan apps that give higher amount in Nigeria, then you’ve hit the jackpot.

Today, we are unveiling the best online loan apps in Nigeria with higher loan amounts, tailored to suit various needs.

Whether you are looking for quick cash to kick-start your business, finance an emergency, or embark on a grand project, there’s a higher amount loan app that’s just right for you.

So, if you want to find out more about them, join me and let’s explore!

High Loan Amount in Nigeria: Overview

First things first, let’s get to understand what a higher loan amount is all about.

Higher amount loans in Nigeria are becoming increasingly accessible thanks to the development of various fintech apps and platforms.

These loans range from ₦1,500 to ₦50,000,000, with interest rates between 1.75% and 30%, and loan tenures from 1 to 24 months. They’re provided by several loan apps, each with unique features and benefits tailored to different needs.

The availability of higher amount loans has opened doors for individuals and businesses seeking substantial financial support without the traditional banking hassle.

Some popular loan apps that give higher amounts in Nigeria include Carbon, Branch, FairMoney, and RenMoney. These platforms differ in terms, conditions, and eligibility criteria.

Now, let’s dive deeper into the offerings of these various loan apps.

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Best Loan Apps that Give Higher Amounts in Nigeria

With the increasing number of financial technology advancements, selecting the right loan app with a high amount can be overwhelming.

Below is a comprehensive review of the best loan apps that give higher amounts in Nigeria.

1. Carbon: Finance at Your Fingertips

loan apps that give higher amounts

First on our list, Carbon is not only a loan app that gives higher amount but also a complete personal finance solution.

Whether you’re an individual or a small business, Carbon has you covered.

Loan Amount

₦1,500 to ₦1,000,000, making it a preferred higher amount loan app in Nigeria.

Interest Rate

2% to 30%, a competitive rate that’s attractive to many borrowers.

2. Branch: Your Money, Your Way

Branch has made a name for itself as a loan app that gives higher amount for the first time borrowers. It’s easy, fast, and built with users in mind.

Loan Amount

₦1,000 to ₦500,000, an amount suitable for various financial needs.

Interest Rate

14% to 28%, depending on the loan’s duration.

3. KiaKia: Quick Loans, No Hassles

If you are conversant with out site, you should have come across where we talked about KiaKia before, but let’s delve into why it’s a best online loan app in Nigeria with higher loan amount.

KiaKia means “quick” in Yoruba, and it lives up to the name. It is a P2P lending platform where investors (in other words, “Lenders”), give out loans to borrowers with fair interest rates.

Loan Amount

₦10,000 to ₦200,000, a range that caters to diverse needs.

Interest Rate

5.6% to 24%, a figure that’s well-tailored to various financial situations.

4. ALAT By Wema: Digital Banking Revolution

ALAT By Wema is more than just a loan app that gives a higher amount; it’s a digital banking revolution.

It’s one of the best online loan apps in Nigeria with a higher loan amount, redefining how you interact with your finances.

Loan Amount

Need to get a higher loan amount in Nigeria? ALAT By Wema offers a loan range from ₦50,000 to ₦50,000,000.

Whether it’s for a sudden emergency or to boost your business, this platform caters to various financial needs.

Interest Rate

The interest rates range from 2% to 20%, depending on the loan amount and tenor. It’s designed to provide opportunities for a wide array of borrowers.

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5. RenMoney: Solutions for Every Financial Dream

If you’re looking for a loan app to borrow a high loan amount in Nigeria, RenMoney is an excellent option. They specialize in flexible loans to make dreams come true.

Loan Amount

₦5,000 to ₦6,000,000, making it a prominent higher amount loan app.

Interest Rate

4% to 21%, a range considering various financial circumstances.

6. FairMoney: Fair, Fast, and Friendly

loan apps with higher amount

Who doesn’t know FairMoney? As always, it stands out as a loan app that gives higher amounts in Nigeria, designed for those who value fairness and speed.

Loan Amount

₦2,500 to ₦3,000,000, an amount that’s appealing for both small and large financial needs.

Interest Rate

10% to 30%, tailored to various financial situations and goals.

7. Okash: Bridging the Gap

Are you in need of a loan app that gives a higher amount for urgent needs? Okash is the go-to platform for quick financial solutions, known for its hassle-free experience.

Loan Amount

₦3,000 to ₦50,000, making it a suitable option for short-term needs.

Interest Rate

5% to 36%, depending on your repayment schedule.

8. Aella Credit: Empowering Individuals

Aella Credit has emerged as a higher amount loan app that caters to working-class individuals, providing them with the financial empowerment they need.

Loan Amount

₦10,000 to ₦1,000,000, reflecting its commitment to broad financial support.

Interest Rate

4% to 29%, allowing for a flexible repayment structure.

9. Page Financials: Your Financial Companion

Page Financials is not just a loan app that gives higher amount in Nigeria, but another full-fledged financial companion for many.

With features beyond loans, it’s a one-stop financial solution.

Loan Amount

₦100,000 to ₦5,000,000, perfect for those seeking more substantial financial assistance.

Interest Rate

3% to 17%, a competitive range for a high loan amount.

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10. QuickCheck: Quick Loans, Quick Success

QuickCheck stands tall as one of the best online loan apps in Nigeria with higher loan amount.

It’s designed to quickly check your eligibility and get you the funds when you need them.

Loan Amount

₦1,500 to ₦200,000, offering a variety of options for different financial needs.

Interest Rate

10% to 30%, accommodating various financial circumstances.

11. P2Vest: Peer-to-Peer Like No Other

P2Vest is an innovative higher loan app that connects borrowers with lenders. It’s a community-driven solution that has opened new financial doors for many.

Loan Amount

₦5,000 to ₦2,000,000, designed for a wide range of financial goals.

Interest Rate

2% to 20%, bridging the gap between borrowers and lenders.

12. Fint: Modern Lending for Modern Needs

Fint is another top-tier loan platform that connects borrowers in need of a huge loan amount with lenders online in Nigeria.

Its modern approach to lending is tailored for today’s digital world.

Loan Amount

₦5,000 to ₦1,000,000, a variety that suits many modern financial requirements.

Interest Rate

15% to 39%, considering various personal and business needs.

13. Lendigo: Your Trusted Lending Partner

Lendigo specializes in providing a high loan amount for businesses and individuals. It’s a trusted partner for many, offering support when it matters most.

Loan Amount

₦100,000 to ₦5,000,000, standing as a prominent higher amount loan app in Nigeria.

Interest Rate

2% to 5%, reflecting its commitment to fair lending.

There you have; a list of loan apps that give higher amount in Nigeria. Now, let’s take a look at what to consider before using any of these apps.

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Factors that Determine the Amount of Loan You Can Get

The loan app that gives higher amount for the first time depends on various factors. Before diving into the apps themselves, understanding these can help you identify which loan app gives higher amounts in Nigeria for your specific case.

Here are some factors to keep in mind:

Credit Score

Your credit score significantly affects your borrowing power. Higher credit scores make you eligible to get a higher loan amount in Nigeria.


A steady and high income proves your ability to repay, and this often allows you to borrow a high loan amount in Nigeria through various loan apps.

Repayment History

Your past behavior with loans paints a picture of your credibility. A good history assures lenders, making you eligible for higher loan app amounts.

How to Choose the Right Loan App with Higher Amount

With so many options, finding the best loan app with a high amount might feel overwhelming. Here’s how you can simplify the process:

  • Review the Terms: Check the interest rates, repayment periods, and requirements.
  • Compare: Analyze various loan apps that give more money in Nigeria to find the best fit.
  • Check Reviews: Online reviews can reveal insights about the loan app’s service quality.

Tips for Getting Approved for a Higher Loan Amount

Want to get a higher loan amount in Nigeria? Here are some insightful tips:

  • Improve Your Credit Score: Timely payments and avoiding defaults will boost your credit score.
  • Provide Accurate Information: Transparency increases your credibility.
  • Increase Your Income: A higher income assures lenders of your repayment ability.

Tips for First-Time Borrowers

For those venturing into the world of higher loan apps for the first time:

  • Start Small: Don’t just look for the loan app that gives higher amount in Nigeria, start with what you can comfortably repay.
  • Understand the Terms: Know the obligations before committing to any higher amount loan app.
  • Seek Recommendations: Sometimes personal references lead to the best loan app with a high amount.

Read Also: Loan Apps that Require BVN Only

FAQs – Higher Loan Apps in Nigeria

Which loan app gives the highest amount in Nigeria?

ALAT By Wema, with a loan range of up to ₦50 million, offers one of the highest amounts.

What are the requirements for higher amount loan apps?

Generally, personal details, BVN, and bank statement are required for most higher amount loan apps.

Can I get a higher loan amount for the first time?

Yes, with the right loan app that gives higher amount for the first time, such as ALAT By Wema, Renmoney, Aella Credit or Carbon.


Finding a loan app that gives higher amount in Nigeria is no longer an impossible task. From Carbon to RenMoney, the market is filled with options for high loan apps in Nigeria.

Knowing which loan app gives higher amount in Nigeria that best suits your needs can be a real game-changer.

Remember to borrow responsibly and align your choice with your financial goals. These apps are not just about quick money; they’re about connecting you to opportunities.

With a wide range of high loan apps in Nigeria, the power to make things happen is right at your fingertips.

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